place Location

232 Crestwood Drive

house Property Type


square_foot Area

1299 sqft

single_bed Bedroom


bathtub Bathroom

1 full

232 Crestwood Drive, Whiteland, IN 46184

Don't miss this opportunity at a neat, clean and ready to move into home. This is one of the few homes in the neighborhood that includes a family room in addition to a living room for additional living space; plus a two car attached garage. Recent upgrades include: kitchen, bath and family remodel in 2015; 100 amp electrical service in 2015; windows in 2015 and 2024; flooring in 2021; living room remodel in 2024; roof and siding in 2024. This home also includes a great outdoor space.

Price: $225,000
MLS #: 21992934
Square Feet: 1299
Bedrooms: 3
Full Bathroom: 1
Full Address: 232 Crestwood Drive, Whiteland, IN 46184

Open House, September 21, 2024, 12pm - 2pm

Monthly Payment Estimator
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Down Payment

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Interest Rate ( % )

Loan Term (In Years)

Monthly Payment (estimated)

Property Details

232 Crestwood Drive, Whiteland, IN 46184

Don't miss this opportunity at a neat, clean and ready to move into home. This is one of the few homes in the neighborhood that includes a family room in addition to a living room for additional living space; plus a two car attached garage. Recent upgrades include: kitchen, bath and family remodel in 2015; 100 amp electrical service in 2015; windows in 2015 and 2024; flooring in 2021; living room remodel in 2024; roof and siding in 2024. This home also includes a great outdoor space.

Price: $225,000
MLS #: 21992934
Square Feet: 1299
Bedrooms: 3
Full Bathroom: 1
Full Address: 232 Crestwood Drive, Whiteland, IN 46184

Open House, September 21, 2024, 12pm - 2pm

Mortgage Calculator

Use the calculator to estimate your payments. This is only an estimate of your monthly costs.