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Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
Tucker Customer Care
Additional Phone (317) 954-4768
F.C. Tucker Company

The house prices in Providence at Stonegate are indeed dropping at the moment. There has been a decrease in price of $0.00. There are several factors that can cause a price drop. Higher mortgage rates, lower demand, prices of comparable properties can all cause the price of a house to drop.

There is no data available at this time for Providence at Stonegate.

The most popular place to buy a home in Providence at Stonegate is . is where we have the most properties listed and there seems to be the most demand to buy a house. Some people love to live in the most popular areas of a city, and others prefer to live in an area that is less busy. Regardless of your preference, we have a vast variety of listings and agents to help you find a house in Providence at Stonegate .

The average amount of property taxes you would have to pay for a home in Providence at Stonegate is $0.00. It is important to consider property taxes when purchasing a home. Property taxes are tied to the value of the home. The more expensive the home is, the higher the taxes will be.

Properties in Providence at Stonegate are staying listed for an average of 82 days. A good way to tell if you are in a buyer's or seller's market is to look at the average days on market for homes in the area. A low number of average days on market indicate a seller's market whereas a high number of average days on market indicate a buyer's market.

There is no data available at this time for Providence at Stonegate.

At the moment we have 0 open houses that you can visit.

The cost of the most expensive home in Providence at Stonegate is $384,995.00. There are several reasons to consider buying an expensive home. They typically have great amenities, will be in great condition, and have plenty of space inside and outside of the home. Expensive real estate usually appreciates very fast, making it a good investment if you can afford it.

The cost of the cheapest home in Providence at Stonegate is $384,995.00 . Buying a cheap house can have many benefits including keeping your payments low, allowing more room in your budget to customize or improve the house, as well as allowing you to pay of your mortgage faster.

The date of the oldest built home in Providence at Stonegate in year 2023 and the newest built house is in year 2023.

The average size of properties in Providence at Stonegate is 2629 sq.ft. , the biggest one being 2629 sq.ft. and the smaller being 2629 sq.ft. . The size of your family and budget are important factors to consider when purchasing a home.

Providence At Stonegate

Providence at Stonegate is a neighborhood located in Crown Point, Indiana and Crown Point is within Lake county. Click the homes for sale tab at the top to view the homes in this area.

There are currently no homes for sale in Providence at Stonegate. In the past 30 days, there have been no homes sold. This week, there are no open house in the neighborhood of Providence at Stonegate and 0 new listings in the past 30 days.

Our website is updated several times per hour with the latest information from the MLS. For additional information on any home in this neighborhood, click request more information and our team can provide more information on the area. We can also help provide information about the sales history of any home in the neighborhood

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Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
Tucker Customer Care
Additional Phone (317) 954-4768
F.C. Tucker Company