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Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
Tucker Customer Care
Additional Phone (317) 954-4768
F.C. Tucker Company

Meet Your Agent, Tucker Customer Care

Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
F.C. Tucker Company
Additional Phone:
(317) 954-4768

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

There is no data available at this time for tall-oaks.

Tall Oaks

Tall Oaks is a neighborhood located in Kokomo, Indiana and Kokomo is within Howard county. Click the homes for sale tab at the top to view the homes in this area.

Currently, Tall Oaks has 0 home(s) for sale. In Tall Oaks, the average price per square foot is $154.87, the median list price is $309,900, and the average days on market is 173 days. In the past 30 days, Tall Oaks has had 0 home(s) sold. This week, Tall Oaks has 0 open house(s) and 0 new listing(s) in the past 30 days.

Our website is updated several times per hour with the latest information from the MLS. For additional information on any home in this neighborhood, click request more information and our team can provide more information on the area. We can also help provide information about the sales history of any home in the neighborhood.

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Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
Tucker Customer Care
Additional Phone (317) 954-4768
F.C. Tucker Company

Meet Your Agent, Tucker Customer Care

Tucker Customer Care, REALTOR®/Broker, F. C. Tucker Company
F.C. Tucker Company
Additional Phone:
(317) 954-4768